How to carry a Hornbeck
Whether you are carrying your boat from the car to the water, or five miles into that backcountry trout pond. You don't want your boat to hold you back from your adventures. This page goes over a few tried and true techniques to make your carries and portages easier.

The Shoulder Carry
The most common and versatile carry. This requires no extra equipment. The dripping of water off the boat is happens away from the leg and the view of your feet is unimpeded while one hand is left free for carrying gear. The boat is naturally balanced on the shoulder for easy maneuvering, making it the perfect transition from cartop to the water.
Stand on the side of the boat by the seat. Which side, should be determined by which shoulder you want to put the boat onto. If you want to put it on your left shoulder, you should be on the left or port side of the boat, facing the backrest. Reach with the opposite hand (the right hand in this instance) and grab the backrest on the far side of the boat. Using this hand, pull the boat onto your shoulder (left in this example). The shoulder should be placed just in front of the seat resting on the balance point of the boat along the gunwale. The hand will remain on the backrest acting as a hand hold to help steady it on your shoulder
The Shoulder carry
Seat Cushion Shoulder Pad
The seat can be used as a shoulder cushion to make the carry a bit more comfortable. The technique is the same as above. However, by shifting your shoulder forward, the balance of the boat is going to be a bit back heavy. To compensate for this, place your hand along the side of the boat just behind the backrest and push down.

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The Carry Yoke
If your adventures require a longer portage, or you are simply wanting a more comfortable and even carry, a yoke is the way to go. Our specially designed carry yoke is a must-have for navigating between ponds, lakes, and rivers. Its minimalist, ergonomic design is mounted with wing nuts at the balance point of the boat, just in front of your seat, making it easy to tip the boat up or down to avoid any obstacles you may encounter while keeping your line of vision clear.
Installation can be done with a quick visit to our shop, or it can be conveniently shipped to you, where you can install it yourself with some simple measuring and drilling.